3M DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes
DI-NOC™ is self-adhering films that can be applied to any flat or curved surface, including walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, elevator ... and others
3M DI-NOC finishes are vinyl films that simulate a variety of natural and synthetic finishes, including wood, granite, marble, stucco, and just about anything else.
3M DI-NOC finishes are vinyl films that simulate a variety of natural and synthetic finishes, including wood, granite, marble, stucco, and just about anything else.
Over 500 patterns, colors and materials that can be applied to any surface, indoors or outdoors, creating a neat finish that will instantly update your space.
1- Woods 2- Texture
see all Dinoc Patterns, Tech. Data sheet
See Dinoc Catalouges
1- Woods 2- Texture
see all Dinoc Patterns, Tech. Data sheet
3M Warranty , Brochure
More Dinoc applications
Mobile: 01227771231
E-Mail: info@perfection-eg.com
Website: http://www.perfection-eg.com
Mobile: 01227771231
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